6550 Mark Dabling Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80919
(719) 338-1550
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This is an entry level program and is open to students with no prior knowledge or experience in commercial vehicles . Our Class A program is taught with the Hands On approach. You will start shifting and driving a truck the same day you start. We don’t believe in spending the first 2 weeks sitting in a classroom. We teach our program to train you in a wide variety of trucks of all makes and models including Kenworth, Peterbilt, Volvo, International. Throughout our program you will get to drive and experience all of our trucks. This is crucial to you being successful!
Students that complete this course will have a basic knowledge and the practical skills necessary for employment as an entry-level commercial driver.
This course prepares students to take their Skills Test in order to receive a Class A CDL with with no Restrictions. Our curriculum is only a guide, we teach our Program based on your ability. We progress you when you’re ready, there is never any pressure!
When you graduate from our school and apply for a job, that job is required by FMSCA to contact us and submit to them information about what you did in our program. When we submit that information we list every truck and trailer combination you used at our school, this looks great in their eyes because you were exposed to various combinations. With other schools, they only list one truck & trailer combination (probably really old early 90’s equipment) this doesn’t look good.
How Long is the Program?
STDS Class A CDL training will take 160 hours (17-21 days) to complete. Need a couple extra days, no problem! we never charge more!
Program hours:
Daytime classes: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Saturday classes: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
What Will I Learn?
Training covers topics in basic operations, safe operating practices, vehicle maintenance, and non-vehicle activities such as coupling & uncoupling trailers, emergency procedures. Pre & Post trip Vehicle inspections, In-Cab inspections and external light inspection and operation.
Not only do we train you in various tractor types, we also train you with various trailers! We have 48′ & 53″ Dry vans, 48′ & 53′ Flat beds both step deck and high deck, tankers, and beverage delivery trailers. Want to try out a pintle hook trailer? We have those too!
Unlike other schools where they only train you in their yard with cones, STDS likes to take you into the real world when you’re ready. We introduce you to real world driving experiences by taking you to real gas stations, real truck stops, real loading and unloading docks. No future employer wants to know you have never actually done a real alley dock and only practiced using cones.
We have spent years critiquing our program too far beyond the basic industry standards.
Which Endorsements Can I Get With My Class A CDL License?
This course prepares students to take their CDL Skills test in order to receive a Class A CDL with Endorsements, including:
Air Brakes
Manual Transmission