950 Spice Island Dr, Sparks , NV 89431
(775) 378-4613
| Website
Nevada Desert Truck Driving School has also taken the liberty of researching additional grants and trucking organizations which are willing to pay up to 100% of your Tuition for you. Click on the image to download our data sheet to your computer.
We are located in Sparks, at
950 Spice Islands Dr, Sparks NV 89431
Office door located in the NW inside corner. Bay doors and truck parking in the back, on the West side of United Circle.
Please come visit us during our business hours to get your questions answered, meet our excellent people, and tour our training facility.
Visitors are ALWAYS welcome!
Problem is, you need a commercial driver’s license (CDL) to legally drive a semi-truck, and most other commercial vehicles.
Potential employers, plus Federal and State laws, require a minimum amount of training in order to be a truck driver.
Unfortunately, not all truck driver training schools are equal. Many schools will only teach you the bare minimum required to pass the tests at the Nevada CDL DMV. While still charging you more than they really have to.
Many graduates of "other" schools really don't have all the skills necessary to be a safe, competent, professional Drover, out on the road! That means more accidents and higher insurance rates for everyone.
We believe there is a Better Way.
Ask these important questions at the other schools you're looking at:
- Do they teach you how to down-shift smoothly, and at the exact right time?
- Do they have you practice chaining up your tires?
- Will you be practicing sliding the wheels of the trailer forward and backward?
- Do they teach you G O A L (Get Out And Look) when backing up?
The "Driver Trainers" of Nevada Desert Truck Driving School take pride in thoroughly preparing you for your CDL.
These are just a few of the things we will teach you, which the other schools will not.