1400 E College Dr, Cheyenne, WY 82007
(307) 772-7351
| Alt: (307) 778-5222
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Commercial Driver License Certification
Laramie County Community College is offering Commercial Driver License training for class A vehicles. (Customized training for the class B or C vehicles is available upon request.)
About the CDL Training Program
The program consists of a total of five weeks, with the first being preparation for the Commercial Driver Permit. Training is five days a week, eight hours per day. The course is full time only.
The course includes a total of 184 hours training with a mixture of field, simulator and classroom interactions.
Classroom training is 62 hours and includes: Human Trafficking, Professionalism, and Harassment Free Workplace training, customized for the trucking and transportation industry.
Basic Maneuvers is 30 hours: Behind the wheel training for backing maneuvers to include straight line backing, offset backing and alley-dock backing.
Pre-trip is 19 hours: Practice on inspecting the safety items on the vehicle.
Simulator Basic Maneuvers: Eight hours in the simulator.
Road/Highway Driving is 27 hours.
Simulator Road/Highway hours is 36 hours.
Two hours are included for the CDL test conducted onsite by a third-party tester. The test is administered in the same vehicle and training range in which the student practiced.
The trainings are done on a tractor/semi-trailer. A Genisis Navistar Series simulator is used for CDL simulator training.
Students receive a certificate of completion for the program. Upon successful completion of the CDL test, a class A CDL license is issued by the State of Wyoming.
View the State of Wyoming Commercial Drivers License requirements.
Job placement assistance is available through the college’s Career Center. Two hours of classroom training are dedicated to job seeking strategies, such as resume writing, and interview prep.