2001 N 10th Ave, Lakeworth, FL 33461
(561) 434-4005
| Alt: (855) 304-3856
| Website
Who is The Commercial Driver’s License School, Inc (The CDL School)?
- The History of the school dates back to 1963, in upstate New York.
- The Commercial Driver’s License School, Inc (The CDL School), corporate entity was formed in 1991.
- The CDL School is nationally recognized as a high quality full service commercial driving school.
- The School is licensed and approved by the appropriate state licensing agencies in which it operates.
The School currently operates 4 offices:
- Miami, FL (serving Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe Counties)
- Lake Worth, FL (serving Broward and Palm Beach counties)
- Albany, NY (serving Upstate New York, VT, and MA)
- New York City, NY
Why Choose The CDL School?
For your truck driving solution
- We have great training programs
- We use Industry standard equipment
- We have flexible schedules
- We have excellent Tuitions, rates, and payment plans
- We use Licensed and certified instructors
You have the ability to trade up if your needs change and you require advanced training
Our Training Approach
The CDL School’s professional training staff uses a trademarked approach called: C.D.O.R, pronounced (see-door). This is a systematic training approach which stands for:
- Comprehension, Demonstration, Observation, and Repetition.
By employing these concepts, in a systematic approach, during our training courses, we maximize the learning efficiency for our commercial customers. This means a lower cost, higher value return on your training dollar. By using a systematic measured approach, you will receive the necessary knowledge in a time affordable fashion.
The CDL School is a leader in all of its markets, this is due in part to our program design. Our programs are designed to be affordable in time and money. These programs have proven themselves to be effective for tens of thousands of students over the years. Please consult with one of our representatives either in person or via the telephone to determine which program will achieve YOUR goals.
No matter which course you are interested in rest assured that The CDL School offers FLEXIBLE RATES and programs. Please consult your local office to confirm the latest rates and schedules for these and other programs.