WITHEY & CO INC is a trucking company in GARDENA, CA. Their DOT Number is 999847.







* The numbers above reflect the number of records we have in our database and may not be the actual number of accidents, inspections, or violations for this company. Data may not be current.

Company Information

DOT Number 999847
Legal Name WITHEY & CO INC
DBA Name
Carrier Operation Type Interstate (A)
Threshold Subjection
Physical Address 1444 WEST EL SEGUNDO BLVD, GARDENA, CA 90249
Mailing Address 1444 WEST EL SEGUNDO BLVD, GARDENA, CA 90249
Phone Number (310) 523-9122
FAX Number (310) 523-9178
Email Address [email protected]
MCS150 Information
Date Filed (Latest) 24-AUG-22
Vehicle Mileage Traveled 50,000
VMT Filed for Year 2020
MCMIS Date Added 22-JAN-02
Last Known Drivers (#) 4
Last Known Units (#) 4

Statistics (Last 24 months)


Driver Inspections w/ OOS Violation(s)


Vehicle Inspections


Vehicle Inspections w/ OOS Violation(s)


Inspections w/ Unsafe Driving Violation(s)


Unsafe Driving Measure


Unsafe Driving Indicator


Inspections w/ Hours-of-Service Violation(s)


Hours-of-Service Compliance Measure


Hours-of-Service Indicator


Inspections w/ Driver Fitness Violation(s)


Driver Fitness Measure


Driver Fitness Indicator


Inspections w/ Controlled Substance Violation(s)


Controlled Substances Measure


Controlled Substances Indicator


Inspections w/ Vehicle Maintenance Violation(s)


Vehicle Maintenance Measure


Vehicle Maintenance Indicator

* The numbers above are based on the last update of our database and may not be current. Numbers may not reflect recent changes.


Date Report Number Inspection State Level Driver Out-of-Service Violations (#) Vehicle Out-of-Service Violations (#) Hazmat Violations (#) Total Out-of-Service Violations Total Hazmat Out-of-Service Violations Hazmat Placard Required Total BASIC Violations BASIC: Unsafe BASIC: Fatigued BASIC: Driver Fitness BASIC: Drugs/Alcohol BASIC: Maintenance BASIC: Hazmat Main Unit Type Main Unit Make Main Unit License Main Unit VIN Secondary Unit Type Secondary Unit Make Secondary Unit License Secondary Unit VIN
No records found.


Date Violation Code BASIC Name Out-of-Service Severity Weight Time Weight Total Severity Section Description Group Description Violation Unit
07-FE 39522H2 Hours-of-Service Compliance Yes
Weight: 0
1 2 Driver failing to maintain ELD instruction sheet EOBR Related Driver (D)
07-FE 39522H3 Hours-of-Service Compliance Yes
Weight: 0
1 2 Driver failed to maintain instruction sheet for ELD malfunction reporting requirements EOBR Related Driver (D)
07-FE 39522H4 Hours-of-Service Compliance Yes
Weight: 0
1 2 Driver failed to maintain supply of blank drivers records of duty status graph-grids EOBR Related Driver (D)
07-FE 39524C2III Hours-of-Service Compliance Yes
Weight: 0
1 2 Driver failed to manually add shipping document number Other Log/Form & Manner Driver (D)
07-FE 39526B Hours-of-Service Compliance Yes
Weight: 0
1 2 Motor carrier failed to ensure that the ELD automatically recorded the required data elements. Other Log/Form & Manner Driver (D)
07-FE 39617C Vehicle Maintenance Yes
Weight: 0
4 2 Operating a CMV without proof of a periodic inspection Inspection Reports Vehicle Main Unit (1)
07-FE 3965B Vehicle Maintenance Yes
Weight: 0
3 2 Oil and/or grease leak Other Vehicle Defect Vehicle Main Unit (1)
01-JU 3939 Vehicle Maintenance Yes
Weight: 0
2 2 Inoperable Required Lamp Clearance Identification Lamps/Other Vehicle Main Unit (1)
01-JU 3939TS Vehicle Maintenance Yes
Weight: 0
6 2 Inoperative turn signal Lighting Vehicle Main Unit (1)
01-JU 3963A1 Vehicle Maintenance Yes
Weight: 0
2 2 Inspection repair and maintenance of parts & accessories Wheels Studs Clamps Etc. Vehicle Main Unit (1)


Report Date Report Number Report State Fatalities (#) Injuries (#) Towed Away (Yes/No) Hazmat Released Trafficway Description Access Control Description Surface Condition Description Weather Condition Description Lighting Condition Description VIN Vehicle License Severity Weight Time Weight Citation Issue Description Sequence Number Prevention Status
No records found.

WITHEY & CO INC has been involved in 0 accidents and received 22 violations throughout 13 inspections.

Disclaimer: The data contained on this page may not be up-to-date and may contain errors. Do not use the data contained above to make decisions without also consulting the appropriate party or regulatory body to verify that the data is both current and accurate.

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