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Western Community College – Rock Springs, WY

2500 College Dr, Rock Springs, WY 82901

(307) 382-1600 | Alt: (800) 226-1181 | Website

Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

This Course prepares the student to take the state required CDL test. It is designed primarily for the energy service industry. On and off highway terrains are utilized as well as late model tractors and loaded trailers, tankers, and high center point of gravity loads may be used in training. Simulation may also be used to replicate dangerous, expensive, or hard-to duplicate scenarios. Upon completion of this course, students must make arrangements to take the DOT test to be issued their commercial driver's license. This course is approved for S/U grading.

About Western

Western Wyoming Community College is a public, tax-supported, two-year, co-educational institution accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges & Schools, recognized by the Wyoming State Department of Education and the Veteran's Administration, and an Equal Opportunity Employer. It is under the control of a locally elected Board of Trustees responsible for governing Western Wyoming Community College District.

Western offers two-year transfer degrees for students who plan to pursue a baccalaureate, two-year occupational degrees and a number of 1- and 2-semester occupational certificates for students who plan to directly enter the workforce or who want to learn new skills or brush up on others. Many of the certificates are embedded within the corresponding occupational degrees.

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